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The Full Story

The Problem

Read this to learn more about us and our cause.


The Obesity Epidemic

According to studies conducted, 70.7% of all US adults are classified as either overweight or obese, which is a very large issue, especially since this is a preventable condition. Most people do not have easy access to healthy foods or choose not to eat them because they are too expensive, and often, they are not even stocked in their grocery stores. Because of the lack of stock and lower prices of unhealthy foods, people who rely on government benefits or have small incomes most purchase these foods, just to have enough to eat until their next paycheck. As a result, they must eat the food they can afford, which isn’t always the healthiest. It is proven that when people have more money, they often will purchase the healthier options. This because they have access to enough money to do so, and typically care less about choosing the most cost effective foods to purchase. Studies show that if the option is provided, people are more likely to choose the healthier food, when they are equal prices. This is why if we increase access and lower prices of healthier foods, college students will likely make the health-conscious choices and actively become healthier adults in the future, as they will have the funds and availability to do so.

Our Founder

This topic is especially close to our hearts, as our founder has members of her family who are currently suffering from the obesity related problems of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. She is also a college student in Tallahassee, and she sees the issues the lack of access to cheap nutrition causes for her peers, especially during this time of their lives.

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